The United Barcode Systems Thermal Inkjet UV LED printers, are specially designed for primary product coding and marking. We are able to adapt to customers demands, thanks to the different working modes of the printhead (more capacity, printing resolution, even save costs on ink consumption). TJX hardware design is optimized for implementation into any production line or packaging machine. Additional cartridge protection thanks to “open lid” detection feature. The electronic architecture of this printer allows fixed and variable messages to be generated and controlled. All this in real time and at high speeds and cadences. TheTJX UV LED printer has a graphical interface that allows the user to visualize the general status of the printer at any moment (ink level, ink type, formats, etc.). TJX UV LED is capable to print serialized codes, preloaded in batches through communication protocol. The TJX UV LED is specifically developed for printing on any surface, porous and non-porous. The UV LED has two working modes:
PWM feature, developed by UBS for prinitg in continous, by adapting automaticaly the light potency to the printing speed. TJX Series printer can be managed form a tablet with intuitive graphic interface for better control of current status and main printing ,characteristics.
Specially designed APP: TJX Appcode can be downloaded using bluetooth connection. Easy message creation using UBS Designer, editor allows the user to create messages and send them to the printer in few simple steps. The UV LED ink, developed and produced by UBS, is stabilized for autoclave freezing and sterilization processes. (Consult colors)